AMA With Jigstack || April-9–2021

CA Capital
9 min readNov 8, 2021


Charles — CBDO of Jigstack have taken AMA in Crypto Avengers TG Channel and helped to know about Jigstack in detail. You can check full session details below.

Crypto Avengers: We have @crobinsonoc (Jigstack CBDO) to take AMA session and to share more details about jigstack with us!

Hi @crobinsonoc, Welcome to CryptoAvengers Community, how are you doing?

Charles: I am great, Thor how are you?

Crypto Avengers: I’m good mate let’s start our AMA without any delay

Let’s start with asking you to introduce yourselves, your role and your background? And how you discovered crypto?

Charles: Sure…

Thor, I appreciate the opportunity to be with you and your followers today. I was working in the AR, AI, and ledger space with Tanzle, a Silicon Valley Company designing and implementing dApps on Hedera Hashgraph. I also handled Business Development for them. I have been involved in crypto and blockchain since 2015, when BTC was $300.00. I got involved because I am a student of economics and finance and also a software developer. I’ve worked for IBM, CA Technologies and BMC Software. I read Satoshi’s paper and also the Ethereum paper and a book called Ethereum which really immersed me into the philosophy of encryption, consensus, smart contracts, and the like. I still like researching new features and computer science and math behind them. I have been involved in about 20 ledger projects and I am an investor and frequent conference speaker.

Crypto Avengers: Awesome profile mate! BTC was at 300$ means you must be a Big 🐳

So my Next question is what is JigStack? Can you explain JigStack in layman terms?

Charles: No…I didn’t realize its value at the time like most of us lol


Crypto Avengers: sad 😊

Charles: What is Jigstack? The DeFi space is overly complex, and moving from no crypto knowledge as an investor or as someone who wants to launch a token, moving into DeFi is not easy, as we all know DeFi is morphing every day. Everyday a new company and service pops up. JigStack sees DeFi as many puzzle pieces that can be put together to form a larger more complete picture. Our first token, the STAK and its related launchpad is Lemonade, our ETH and soon-to-be Hedera and Polygon launchpad, will make it easy to launch a token, similar to a child that sells Lemonade as their first business. Lemonade exists to make is super-easy to launch a token, and in our future product, JigLink to create affiliate links to market the token. JigLabs, our custom smart contract development arm can also give the users’ token unique features. Think of Jigstack as a one-stop-shop for everything DeFi.

Crypto Avengers: great, i think you missed ‘microsoft’ keyword 😊

Charles: yes, let’s address that

JigStack is the Microsoft of DeFi which means that our products are integrated like MS Office is. Excel work easily with Word which words easily with PowerPoint. They all talk to one another, and can share assets, etc. Also they have a common look and feel. This UI/UX design concept is critical to JigStack. We want to be the most feature-rich yet easiest to use platform.

Crypto Avengers: nice thanks for the explanation mate my next question, how does the JigStack Platform work?

Charles: Well first you can launch a token on the Lemonade platform, second you can buy STAK tokens and stake them and earn rewards, via farming, compounding, and normal APR‘s, third you can access your tokens through our wallet, which is expected, fourth JigLink allows you to create affiliate links and to market your IDO, our Santa gift card program will allow you to send Crypto to new users, JigBridge will allow for atomic swaps, low fees, and comprehensive portfolio view across chains. Oh yes, Gallery is our high-end NFT solution. All in year 1 how does that sound?

Crypto Avengers: fantastic sounds like real microsoft of defi!

All in one umbrella

Charles: And through JigLabs we will allow you to customize your smart contracts.

Yes sir

Crypto Avengers: Nice My Next Question, can you talk about team behind JigStack? What’s the team size and how many developers are involved?

Charles: We have about 15 in the core team, and we have 6 developers, including me. Although they don’t let me code, I am an architect-level person. My job is Business Development and partnerships.

Crypto Avengers: 15 members team pretty good believe they would be able to achieve what you guys planned as part of roadmap

Charles: yes

Crypto Avengers: My Next Question, Do you have competitors building something similar to JigStack?

Charles: Yes there are new competitors every day but what differentiates us is that we have a comprehensive view of the ecosystem and the DAO that’s going to govern it, it’s a common look and feel, free to launch a token as well as generous STAK payouts — our token holders get back 80% of the profits that the platform generates across our product lines. I am getting into Tokenomics early but I know profits are what we investors are all about. But also long-term vision of the ecosystem, utilization or momentum of the token itself and a good “K” line

Crypto Avengers: can you elaborate “our token holders get back 80% of the profits that the platform generates across our product lines” so if users hold jigstak tokens users get rewarded right

Charles: Yes, that’s right. The platform consistently earns 1% for all usage of our platform and the STAK across all product lines. The platform returns 80% of the 1% to STAK holders proportionate to their stake and 20% is used to buy-back existing STAK tokens on the open market. So that we are a deflationary token which is good for all of us since it creates greater scarcity over time.

Crypto Avengers: awesome good to know that STAK is deflationary and holders get rewarded

My next question, can you talk about what’s the current status of the JigStack project? Any upcoming major milestones?

Charles: May I ask a question of you Thor?

Crypto Avengers: yes Charles

Charles: How did you get into building your own TG group and what are the top 1–2 benefits that you have seen?

Crypto Avengers: good question i worked for Amazon for 10 years as an AWS Data Engineer and left my job 2weeks back as we are in ultra bullrun and im a crypto millionaire 😊. Now im fulltime into crypto, building crypto channels, making new partnerships. This is my interest building crypto communities that’s why i left my good software job, benefit is if we have good community we can get into any project sale. We invested over 30+ projects (including ThorX list) in last 30days itself.

Charles: Awesome, you really must believe in Crypto if you left a great Dev job at Amazon

I congratulate you for your boldness, risk taking, and wisdom

Crypto Avengers: yes mate

Charles: OK, that was a diversion but I personally am glad we did it. Back to the matter at hand.

Crypto Avengers: let’s continue 😊 my next question, can you talk about what’s the current status of the JigStack project? Any upcoming major milestones?

Charles: Yes we are very close to announcing the IDO date of STAK our governance token on and simultaneously with the Lemonade platform. It will definitely be this month. Also I want to give your followers an exclusive update we are announcing a partnership with CellFrame to build JigBridge our inter-blockchain swap and information-sharing product.

Crypto Avengers: 👍 nice! So we can expect IDO this month?

Charles: Yes we are also talking to some main exchanges for an IEO as well. It is important to expose our token to a mass audience.

Crypto Avengers: cool my next question, can you please talk about partners, investors and advisors of JigStack?

Charles: Yeah, man!

In our private sale, we raised $2.7 million with the help of renowned partners such as Block FIlms, Moonwhale Ventures, Exnetwork, DHC capital, Blocksync Ventures, Gains, CSP DAO and X21 Digital. Our partners are Hedera Hashgraph, Polygon, formerly Matic, Bonded Finance, and now CellFrame. We have other announcements waiting in the wings.

Crypto Avengers: nice you guys missed CryptoAvengers 😔

Charles: OK, I wasn’t aware, congrats!

Crypto Avengers: I’m done with my questions, we are going to open the floor for community to ask questions,

@crobinsonoc you can ignore irrelevant questions from community and answer what you want to answer!

Charles: JigStack is like Amazon in 2000?

OK, drum roll please!

Crypto Avengers: channel has been muted again! @crobinsonoc mate you can select relevant questions and answer.

Crypto Avengers Community: In all, how many products are in the pipeline that are yet to be released by Jigstack? I only know of 2 which are STAK Bank and Gallery

Charles: Great question, we have a Santa gift card program, we have JigLink and JigBridge as well as a separate company called JigLabs.

Crypto Avengers Community: Many new projects made a good impression at first but were suddenly abandoned. How will you manage the project and token to gain a place in the market and become a best token in the blockchain world?

Charles: We will curate our token and only add offerings that add to the ecosystem’s guiding vision. We will maintain a common look-and-feel accross all product lines and across all platforms. We will have a long-term in focus not short-term speculation, we want our token to be one of the most highly utilized and one that is actively moving every second in the cryptosphere

Crypto Avengers Community: As we know, that when the NFT is booming and a many of people support this. But, many artist/creator still don’t clearly understand NFTs especially because it still lack of editing platform, people still don’t know much how to make their own NFTs and the gas fee especially in ethereum based token is very high. How you solve this problems?

Charles: These are all issues that all of us working in the NFT space have. We need to walk-it-out as a community to solve these problems. I believe that all art and collectibles need to be backed by the value of the real-world assets for example. I was one of the first to develop a token in the NFT space back in 2019

Crypto Avengers Community: Now that technology is changing every second, are you afraid that in the future your project will lag behind new projects with newer technologies?

Charles: We are constantly researching the decentralized finance space and we are at the cutting-edge of what’s happening. Remember, the second mouse gets the cheese. So being a later entrant into DeFi is an advantage to JigStack. We can see what has worked and what hasn’t and continually improve on it.

Crypto Avengers Community: Investors are afraid of scam, exchange is afraid of scam, partners are afraid of scam, so what does your project guarantee not to scam investors?

Charles: Rest assured, we are putting a lot of money into the auditing, penetration test, and volume testing of our first product lemonade and our subsequent products. Security is our number one priority along with ease-of-use. Also, we will have rigorous background checking of all of our potential token launchers on Lemonade.

Crypto Avengers: Thanks for awesome answers mate, Is there anything you want to add before we close this AMA?

Charles: Yes, I have a link for you

Crypto Avengers: ➡️What does Binance’s Changpeng Zhao (CZ) think about bringing Lemonde Stand’s approach to adopting DeFi❓

CZ is in a prime position to analyze what the decentralized finance industry needs today.

💫Lemonade Stand approach removes the intermediaries from the equation and provides unprecedented transparency. And that’s exactly what we want to bring with the first product under the Jigtstak DAO umbrella: Lemonade ( 👉 Binance CEO’s reply: HERE


👉 Retweet (

Guys plz check these articles to know more about Lemonde

👉 what is Jigstack


👉 our partnerships (

(Hedera Hashgraph, Polygon and many more to come)


🔻 $2.7 Million raised In Private Sale: 👉 HERE

( 🔻

Jigstack Acquires ICOrating To Revamp The Crypto Token Launch Industry: 👉 HERE


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Crypto Avengers: Let’s wrap it, Thanks everyone! Please support JigStack Guys!!

Thank you @crobinsonoc for your wonderful time with us!! we learnt more about JigStack from you today.

Charles: Thor, I enjoyed meeting you and conversing with your followers. I feel that this is one of the great channels in Crypto and wish you all success in your investing and other endeavors!

Crypto Avengers: 👍 thanks mate and we are looking forward for $STAK launch 😊

BYE @crobinsonoc, have a nice day! Stay SAFU

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